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"What if.....?"

2 July, 2021

As I sit outside on my deck, reveling in the summer breeze, I think of the last few months of my life, and the progress I have made.

Welcome all! I am thrilled to open the portals of flowing energy, and allow all that I long for to come to me. After a few weeks of thinking, planning researching, and self-doubting, I have at last launched my gleaming new, adorable website! I do have the habit of conjuring up all manner of scenarios whenever I decide to do something new. I have noticed that, "what if..." ends to be a negative in my own personal experience. My wild imagination pictures me failing in most of my endeavours. Rather than believing in those undesired outcomes and blowing them up into giant balloons, I shall choose a new way of thinking.

"What if I am exquisitely successful and fulfilled from now onwards?"

Gift and cleverness lead to wondrous things. My time of floundering and expending effort in all the wrong directions is at an end. I have decided to become the woman I want to be. I began with opening my channel on You Tube, then stepping beyond the, "what if I look fat and stupid and my voice sounds hideous on camera?" With a deft shift of my yogic mind, this phrase turned to,"What if I like myself on film, and people are intrigued by my topics?"

"What if I now have found the forum on which I can release the submerged creativity?"

I've got a keen interest in filmmaking, actually. I love the way film combines nearly all of the arts. I can write my content of films in little stories, I can act my own parts, and I can edit and add music and improve things such as lighting and floating from one scene seamlessly to the next. Hurrah!

Next I thought of creating a blog. I very much like writing. Being a fine artist is the best thing in my world. I play classical piano, I write, I draw, I dance, and I sing. Here is one way I can get my voice out into the larger universe. I can have great fun as I also let go of beliefs and thoughts that are too stale for my liking. I rather fancy the concept of writing about my days and activities. Coming out of a period of being lame into a spot of renewal is my perfect time for fresh action. I feel like whooshing my way into the sky, my wing feathers fluttering in the cool wind.

Music and yoga remain my greatest healing, as usual. Presently I can see many blogs in my future. I think there is a great deal to write about. How marvellous to document my life in this way!

"What if I connect with many lovely people and form a community?"

Instagram, Twitter, You Tube... these are magical places for us to harness our own power and shine it forth. Being active on these media platforms can lead to miracles. In this current time, individuals can truly reach their potential. We can achieve wonderful things for ourselves and others. It is my intention to record some of my own fabulous experiences, as well as to reveal some shenanigans along the way.

"What if the stiff, archaic ways of approaching collectively held beliefs can be broken?"

I am a revolutionary. I love to soar beyond what is commonly thought to be THE TRUTH. I have my own truths, and so have you. It is my duty to challenge you to grab them up and embrace them, and then meld into them so that you are absolutely living your destiny.

"What if I am absolutely fabulous?"

As I leap over my obstacles, I now think that the memories of a painful childhood and dreadful school history of bullying no longer have teeth with which to sink into my foot. The lameness is gone! How free I feel. How powerful I can be when I view myself in the same way as my loving friends view me.

"What if I can inspire others?"

The main goals of my website and blog and You Tube channel are to express myself creatively, and to see where these platforms can lead. These forums are essential to my self-care routines because they can be fulfilling and connect me with my dreams. My other goal is to make others smile and feel good during their day. Happiness is not out of the reach of anyone. I am determined to belittle the devastating effects of a world gone mad. In the midst of that gloom, joy is a very, very real possibility. It can be cultivated. As it grows it shrinks its opposition into near nothingness.

I hope you will enjoy my posts and come along with me on this exquisite ride.

"What if.....?"

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